woah your art is always so good! better than mine!
we both good!
woah how did you do the backgrounds, it looks cool!
for the first one i copy and paste it and i made the second one
oh wow this look great! i really like your backgrounds
really? I still dont know how to make them lol
your sona looks cool!
Thank you! ♥️
This is literally me trying to find something to draw. What do ya plan on drawing in the future?
Madness combat stuff, or FNF.
I wanted to do Ryeyumi or something
I checked your art and it looks super cool! Keep up the great work, you gotta new follower
Aw thx!
Why do I feel sleepy all of a sudden? Oh I know! Its because this art is incredible!
LMFAO! thank you SO much!!
Your drawings are always a blessing to see!!!
OMG!!!! Thank you so much!?!?! That is like the nicest thing you could possibly ever say to me lmfao!!! THANK YOU!!!
This looks very cool!
thank you! c:
My art is bad so dont even bother checking, however, I will stay on newgrounds cuz the people on here are amazing. (Inactive, but will return from time to time)
University of California
In the middle of nowhere
Joined on 5/23/21